About Me
I am senior researcher (“directeur de recherche” in French) at CNRS in computer science and digital electronics.
My research topics include: computer arithmetic in hardware and software, number systems (i.e. representations of numbers), arithmetic algorithms, specific or reconfigurable hardware accelerators, embedded processors, applied cryptography, hardware security (attacks and protections), low-power design.
In short, I mainly work on arithmetic computations in electronic circuits and computer programs, and how to make them more efficient, more robust to attacks/failures and less energy consuming. I also work on the security of embedded systems.
My research activities are positioned into several CNRS research networks (GDR):
- working group on arithmetic (GT Arith) of GDR IM (“Informatique Mathématique”)
- working group on codes & crypto (GT C2) common to GDR IM and GDR SI (“Sécurité Informatique”)
- security of hardware systems common to GDR SI and GDR SoC2
- algorithms and architectures of GDR ISIS
I work in the Lab-STICC laboratory and I am hosted at ENSTA in Brest, France.
- email: arnaud.tisserand@cnrs.fr
- web: www.arnaud-tisserand.fr
- office: N116
- postal address: CNRS – Lab-STICC, ENSTA, 2 rue François Verny, 29806 Brest Cedex 09, France
More Details
- Biography (EN) / biographie (FR)
- Jobs offers
- Research topics
- Current/recent activities:
- Nominated member in the Steering Committe Board of the ARITH Symposium
- Hardware and software
- Presentations at conferences, seminars and events
- Publications: HAL, ORCID, DBLP, Google Scholar
- Students
- Teaching
- Scientific popularization/mediation (pages in French)